Electrolysis units

We cooperate with
Application fields

Application fields of units for water purification and disinfection

Industrial water

  • food industry
  • chemical plants
  • power plants
  • oil production
  • coal mines
  • agriculture

Drinking water

  • water treatment companies
  • municipal water supply companies
  • hotels
  • sea vessels


  • treatment plants and sewage
  • industrial effluents
  • medical institutions
  • agricultural effluents

Circulating water

  • cooling towers
  • swimming pools
  • fountains
  • theme parks

significant advantages

KEU electrolysis units have several significant advantages over other systems offered by Ukrainian and some foreign producers:

Minimum unit power consumption in its segment

The production of 1 kg of active chlorine consumes only about 3.5 kWh of electricity !!!

Highly efficient, patented design of the electrode unit

unit and the use of bipolar electrodes provide significant savings in raw materials and electricity

Safe gas separation, dilution and forced controlled removal of electrolysis gases

directly during the electrolysis process makes it impossible for them to get outside the unit. There is no need for an additional room

The block layout of the equipment from independent modules

minimizes the area of the equipment site and the costs of its installation as much as possible, preventing the possibility of failure of the entire unit

Complete process automation

there is no need for the constant presence of the operator, and the current maintenance of units is almost reduced only to loading salt into the salt dissolver.

Units are delivered fully assembled and ready for connection

The process of on-site installation, assembly, commissioning, and putting into operation takes place in a matter of days

Catalytic coating of electrodes is made completely from a mixture of precious metal compounds - iridium and ruthenium

This ensures that the service life of the electrode units is at least twice as long as analogs have

advantages of using electrochemically activated sodium hypochlorite

The experience of operating KEU units has shown the advantages of using electrochemically activated sodium hypochlorite

An increased disinfecting ability of the oxidant solution compared to chlorine gas or industrial hypochlorite. The required dose of chlorine is reduced by 20-25% when using electrolytic sodium hypochlorite.
A significant reduction in the number of harmful organochlorine compounds (up to 2.5 times), such as trihalomethanes - THMs (chloroform), chlorophenols, total organic carbon.
An effective removal of biofilms on filters and internal surfaces of water supply networks.
An organoleptic properties of disinfected water improvement.
A longer aftereffect of disinfecting ability.
A significant reduction of logistics costs. There is no need for a frequent supply of dangerous substances and measures related to their storage and use.
A safety for people and the environment, complete safety of the water disinfection process.
A clean production of the disinfectant at the consumption site due to the absence of polluting by-products or main products.

The technology

The technology for obtaining a disinfecting solution consists of the table salt solution electrolysis

The general final process of a salt solution conversion into a sodium hypochlorite solution occursaccording to the following equation:

NaCl + H2O + 2e = NaOCl + H2↑

Crystalline or tablet salt in a salt dissolver forms a saturated solution with a concentration of about 300 g/l. Water for the technological process passes through a softening system. A part of this water is fed into a salt dissolver, and the second part immediately before the electrolysis cell is mixed in certain proportions with a saturated salt solution supplied by a dosing pump. The flow of water and brine is automatically controlled to ensure a stable concentration of the final product. The temperature in the cell, levels of brine and final product, the process of dilution and forced removal of electrolytic gases are also controlled. Gas separation takes place directly in the unit, which makes it impossible for hydrogen to get into the storage capacity of the final product. The equipment is automatically turned on and off depending on the intensity of disinfectant consumption. Control of the condition and operation of the unit can be included in the general dispatching system at the site.

technical characteristics

Model range and technical characteristics

About us

«Linex» LLC

Ukrainian producer of modern high-tech equipment for water purification and disinfection of drinking and industrial water.

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Disinfection systems

More than two hundred water disinfection systems based on our electrolysis units are successfully operating.

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Our electrolysis units are successfully operating in many countries of the world.

Serial production
Serial production of our water disinfection systems based on KEU electrolysis units was started in 2010.

Serial production of our water disinfection systems based on KEU electrolysis units was started in 2010. Since that time, the equipment has been constantly improved using the most modern achievements of electrochemical technologies. Thanks to this, outstanding indicators of energy and resource consumption for the production of disinfectant were achieved, as well as the service life of the equipment was significantly increased. Our constructive solutions are unique and have been patented.

«Linex» LLC is an active participant of the National Targeted Social Program «Drinking Water of Ukraine», the purpose of which is to provide high-quality drinking water in accordance with the established standards, as well as to ensure the development and reconstruction of centralized water supply and centralized water drainage systems.

We cooperate with international humanitarian organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross and UNICEF.

More than two hundred water disinfection systems based on our electrolysis units are successfully operating at water supply companies, sewage treatment plants, industrial companies, dolphinariums, swimming pools, and water parks – in Ukraine, the UAE, Thailand, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and other countries of the world.